Oleh : Dharma Leksana, S.Th., M.Si. Ketua Umum Perkumpulan Wartawan Gereja Indonesia (PWGI)
PWGI.ORG – Jakarta, The digital era has brought about major changes in the way we live, interact, and disseminate information. The church, as an institution with a mission to spread the gospel and build community, must adapt to these changes. In this article, we will discuss the paradigm shift of church missiology from Gutenberg to Google.
Gutenberg Era (1450-2000)
The Gutenberg era was marked by advances in printing technology that enabled the widespread dissemination of information. In this era, the church used print media such as books, magazines, and newspapers to spread the gospel and build community. The paradigm of church missiology in this era focused on the widespread dissemination of information and building community through activities such as worship, education, and social service.
Google Era (2000-present)
The Google era was marked by advances in digital technology that enabled the instant and global dissemination of information. In this era, the church must adapt to changes in people’s behavior in using digital technology. The missiological paradigm of the church in this era focuses on the instant and global dissemination of information, as well as building communities through activities such as online ministry, digital evangelism, publications through digital platforms and social media outreach.
Paradigm Shift
The paradigm shift of the church’s missiology from Gutenberg to Google can be seen from several aspects:
1. Dissemination of Information: From the widespread dissemination of information through print media to the instant and global dissemination of information through digital technology.
2. Building Community: From building community through activities such as worship, education, and social service to building community through activities such as online ministry, digital evangelism, and social media outreach.
3. The Role of the Church: From the role of the church as an institution that has a mission to spread the Gospel and build community to the role of the church as a community that shares and interacts through digital technology.
The Implication of the Paradigm Shift from Gutenberg to Google, the Church is challenged to create a transformative missiology. The transformative missiology of the church in the digital era is a missiological approach that focuses on the transformation of individuals, communities, and society through the use of digital technology. Here are some characteristics of the church’s transformative missiology in the digital era:
Characteristics of the Church’s Transformative Missiology in the Digital Era
1. Based on the Gospel: The church’s transformative missiology in the digital era must be based on the Gospel and focused on delivering the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
2. Using Digital Technology: The church’s transformative missiology in the digital era uses digital technology as a tool to spread the Gospel, build community, and do ministry.
3. Focused on Transformation: The church’s transformative missiology in the digital era focuses on the transformation of individuals, communities, and society through the use of digital technology.
4. Developing Leadership: The church’s transformative missiology in the digital era develops effective leadership in using digital technology for mission.
5. Integrating with Daily Life: The church’s transformative missiology in the digital era integrates digital technology with daily life to expand the mission.
Examples of the Church’s Transformative Missiology in the Digital Era
1. Building Online Communities: Building online communities to build relationships with people who cannot be physically present.
2. Using Social Media: Using social media to spread the Gospel, share faith experiences, and build community.
3. Developing Mission Apps: Developing mission apps to facilitate ministry, build community, and spread the gospel.
4. Using Technology for Ministry: Using technology for ministry, such as using drones to deliver humanitarian aid.
Challenges of Transformative Church Missiology in the Digital Age
1. Limited Resources: Limited resources, such as cost and manpower, can be a challenge in developing transformative missiology.
2. Rapid Technological Change: Rapid technological change can make it difficult for churches to adapt to these changes.
3. Engagement with Digital Culture: Engagement with digital culture can make it difficult for churches to maintain Christian identity and values.
Conclusion :
The paradigm shift in church missiology from Gutenberg to Google requires churches to adapt to changes in people’s behavior in using digital technology. Churches must be ready to use digital technology as a tool to spread the gospel and build community. In doing so, churches can remain relevant and effective in carrying out their mission. (Dari berbagai sumber/ Dh.L/Red.***)